ThemeRoller Integration - Description

If you've been through any of the other examples, you've noticed that you've been able to switch between themes. ThemeSwitcher support is integrated into KitBox allowing you to select themes as well as initialiaze your own ThemeRoller.

Live Example

HTML for ThemeRoller

			<div id="kitbox-themeswitcher"></div>

Initialization Code

				$("div#kitbox-themeswitcher").kitbox('themeswitcher', {
	    			loadtheme: 'kitbox',
	    			on: 'div#kitbox-themeswitcher',
	    			height: 300,
	    			width: 200
					kitboxType: "kitboxSeries",
					dataType: "json",
					url: "/pages/series/remote_json.php",
					header: {text: "ThemeRoller Integration"}