Percentiles - Description

In this example, we create a simple KitBox using a JavaScript array as a data source. We have turned the data table and overview off to show the graph in it's simplest form.

Live Example

Initialization Code For Local JavaScript Array

				$.kitboxData = {
    		        	    "id":0, "label":"X Mean"},
		    		        "id":1, "label":"25% Percentile", "fillBetween":0, "lines":{"show":true, "lineWidth":0.1, "fill":0.2}},
				    		"id":2, "label":"50% Percentile", "fillBetween":0, "lines":{"show":true, "lineWidth":0.1, "fill":0.2}},
						    "id":3, "label":"75% Percentile", "fillBetween":0, "lines":{"show":true, "lineWidth":0.1, "fill":0.2}},
							"id":4, "label":"X Mean"},
							"id":5, "label":"25% Percentile", "fillBetween":4, "lines":{"show":true, "lineWidth":0.1, "fill":0.2}},
							"id":6, "label":"50% Percentile", "fillBetween":4, "lines":{"show":true, "lineWidth":0.1, "fill":0.2}},
							"id":7, "label":"75% Percentile", "fillBetween":4, "lines":{"show":true, "lineWidth":0.1, "fill":0.2}},
					"xaxis":["Element: 0","Element: 1","Element: 2","Element: 3","Element: 4","Element: 5","Element: 6","Element: 7",
							"Element: 8","Element: 9","Element: 10","Element: 11","Element: 12","Element: 13","Element: 14","Element: 15",
							"Element: 16","Element: 17","Element: 18","Element: 19","Element: 20","Element: 21","Element: 22","Element: 23",
							"Element: 24","Element: 25","Element: 26","Element: 27","Element: 28","Element: 29"]};
					kitboxType: "kitboxSeries",
					dataType: "array",
					dataSource: $.kitboxData,
					header: {text: "Percentiles"},
					options: {
						seriesType: "percentile"

Initialization Code for Ajax JSON

					kitboxType: "kitboxSeries",
					dataType: "json",
					url: "/pages/series/remote_series_percentiles.php",
					header: {text: "Ajax JSON"},
					options: {
						seriesType: "percentile"

PHP Code for Dynamically Generating Data for Percentiles

				$data = array( "data" => array(), "xaxis" => array());
				$number = 30;
				$lines = array('show' => true, 'lineWidth' => 0.1, 'fill' => 0.2);
				array_push( $data['data'], array("data" => array(), "id" => 0,  "label" => "X Mean") );
				array_push( $data['data'], array("data" => array(), "id" => 1, "label" => "25% Percentile", "fillBetween" => 0, 'lines' => $lines) );
				array_push( $data['data'], array("data" => array(), "id" => 2, "label" => "50% Percentile", "fillBetween" => 0, 'lines' => $lines) );
				array_push( $data['data'], array("data" => array(), "id" => 3, "label" => "75% Percentile", "fillBetween" => 0, 'lines' => $lines) );
				array_push( $data['data'], array("data" => array(), "id" => 4, "label" => "X Mean") );
				array_push( $data['data'], array("data" => array(), "id" => 5, "label" => "25% Percentile", "fillBetween" => 4, 'lines' => $lines) );
				array_push( $data['data'], array("data" => array(), "id" => 6, "label" => "50% Percentile", "fillBetween" => 4, 'lines' => $lines) );
				array_push( $data['data'], array("data" => array(), "id" => 7, "label" => "75% Percentile", "fillBetween" => 4, 'lines' => $lines) );
				for( $y = 0; $y < $number; $y++ ){
					array_push($data['data'][1]['data'], mt_rand(20,40));
					array_push($data['data'][2]['data'], mt_rand(60,80));
					array_push($data['data'][3]['data'], mt_rand(120,150));
					array_push($data['data'][0]['data'], round(($data['data'][1]['data'][$y] + $data['data'][2]['data'][$y] + $data['data'][3]['data'][$y]) / 3));
					array_push($data['data'][5]['data'], mt_rand(160,190));
					array_push($data['data'][6]['data'], mt_rand(210,230));
					array_push($data['data'][7]['data'], mt_rand(235,245));
					array_push($data['data'][4]['data'], round(($data['data'][5]['data'][$y] + $data['data'][6]['data'][$y] + $data['data'][7]['data'][$y]) / 3));
				for( $x = 0; $x < $number; $x++ )
					array_push($data['xaxis'],  "Element: " . $x );
				echo json_encode( $data );